
FBT car parking rules have changed: is your business now liable?

The ATO has made changes to fringe benefit tax (FBT) and car parking, and as of 1 April 2022, many more employers will find themselves liable for car parking FBT.

The ATO has widened the scope of FBT car parking benefits

In June 2021, the ATO released Taxation Ruling TR 2021/2, which outlines changes to the Commissioner’s view about when the provision of employee parking is considered a car parking fringe benefit for FBT purposes. These changes have been in the works for several years, but now the final ruling has been issued, they will come into effect on 1 April 2022.

What does it mean for employers?

It means that the ATO is taking a more rigorous approach to FBT interpretation, and many more employers will find themselves subject to FBT on the provision of car parking to their employees.

This is because the ruling tightens up the definition of ‘commercial car parking facilities’. Certain car parks, including some shopping centre, airport, university, hospital, hotel, and long-term car parks that were previously not defined as commercial parking stations under the old ruling, may now be considered commercial car parking facilities.

The new ruling includes almost all car parks that charge a fee for all-day parking above the car parking threshold (which, for the FBT year ending 31 March 2022, is $9.25 per day), even if the car park’s primary purpose is not to provide all-day parking. For example, the main intention of a hospital car park may be to provide hourly parking, and even if its fees are so high as to discourage all-day parking, it could still be included as a commercial car parking facility under the new ruling.

Which employers will be affected?

The new ruling means that many more employers, including those outside CBDs, will now be subject to FBT on car parking, and employers will need to examine the new ruling carefully to work out if it applies to them.

The first step is to establish if you are providing a car parking fringe benefit for your employees. If your employee’s car is parked at one or more work car parks for a combined period of more than four hours between 7am and 7pm at or near their primary place of employment, and there is a commercial car park where the lowest all-day parking fee exceeds the car parking threshold ($9.25 per day in the FBT year ending 31 March) located inside a 1km radius of the work car park, then you are providing your employee with a car parking fringe benefit.

The major change comes with the new FBT definition of ‘commercial parking station’. A commercial car parking facility is now considered one that is permanent (excluding on-street parking) and, in the ordinary course of business, has at least one car space available to the public for paid all-day parking.

The ruling includes a two-stage test to help employers determine whether a car park can reasonably be considered a commercial car parking facility. Step one – if the car park is run by a car parking operator, it is considered a commercial car parking facility. This includes shopping centre or hospital car parks managed by (but not owned or leased by) a car park operator. If the car park is not run by a car park operator, the second stage of the test can be applied. If any two of these three characteristics apply to the car park, it is considered a commercial car parking facility.

  • It has clear signage, visible from the street, advertising that paid parking is available.
  • It has mechanisms, like boom gates, ‘pay and display’ ticket machines, or licence plate recognition functionality, to control who can enter, exit or park at the facility.
  • It charges more than a nominal fee for paid parking. This includes charging a user for parking which is not all-day parking, for example, hourly parking.

It’s easy to see how under these parameters, many more car parks will be included in the commercial car parking facility definition, and thus, many more employers, especially those outside of major city centres, will find themselves liable for car parking FBT from 1 April 2022.

What should affected employers do?

The best thing impacted employers can do is start planning now. If you determine that your business will be affected by these changes, it’s important to get ahead of the game and start assessing and budgeting. This is the perfect time to invest in the kind of smart parking management system that can save you money at tax time.

The amount of FBT payable on a car parking space is based on how much it is used. If you can demonstrate, with accurate, thorough, real-time reporting, that parking utilisation is low, for example, while employees are working from home, you can reduce your FBT car parking burden. But in order to demonstrate this when FBT is due on 31 March 2023, that smart parking management system needs to be installed now so that you have a full year’s data to call upon.

DIVVY’s staff parking management solution features FBT reporting capabilities that have been given the tick of approval from Deloitte Private, who agree that using DIVVY’s reports can, in the relevant circumstances, result in a reduction to the car parking FBT payable. If your business is newly subject to FBT on car parking fringe benefits, we can help you manage the burden.

Get in touch with our sales team to discuss your staff parking reporting needs today.


Parking Industry Trends in 2021

While we might not be working on aerial car parks for flying cars just yet, the parking industry has come a long way since the parking meter was invented in 1935. We take a look at the industry’s latest trends.

The rise of parking apps

The best technology makes our lives richer and easier, and that’s exactly what a good parking app can do. Sophisticated parking apps like the DIVVY app are designed to deliver a higher level of customer service, enhancing and streamlining the parking experience and generally making life simpler.

The DIVVY app revolutionises parking by taking payments digitally and granting car park access via QR code, eliminating both cash and parking pull tickets to deliver a contactless parking experience.

But it goes even further, enriching the parking experience by providing the driver with details about their closest DIVVY car park, real time occupancy information, and detailed access information specific to each car park. Bookings can be extended via the DIVVY app if drivers need to stay longer.

The days of driving around aimlessly looking for a parking space, scrabbling for coins for a parking meter or even getting a parking fine for overstaying the allocated time are fast becoming a thing of the past.

The death of cash payments

Cash as a method of payment has been on the decline for a while now, and hygiene concerns raised by the COVID pandemic have further hastened its demise. In 2020, only 8.3 per cent of Australian transactions involved cash, and experts predict that by 2024 that figure will be as low as 2 per cent. The parking industry is keeping pace with the cashless trend and a proliferation of e-payment options are now available, with DIVVY’s payment device technology leading the way.

Here at DIVVY, we’re well known for our contactless parking solutions. Both our pre-book public parking solution DIVVY Marketplace and our new casual parking product Drive Up use parking equipment that makes the process completely cashless.

Payment is charged to the customer’s credit card, either via the DIVVY app or the access control device at the car park exit. Not only are all our parking solutions cashless, but with products like the DIVVY LPR solution that uses licence plate recognition technology to calculate the duration of stay, we can offer completely frictionless parking solutions too.

Consumer desire for cashless parking existed before COVID, but now drivers are demanding it. DIVVY makes contactless parking simple for both drivers and car park operators.

A focus on sustainability

In 2021 consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on sustainability. Sustainable parking solutions appeal to car park operators too because they’re often more cost-effective than conventional parking systems.

DIVVY was born of a desire to do better for the environment. Our founding premise was to reduce the up to 30 per cent of traffic in our CBDs comprised of cars driving around looking for a park by making better use of underutilised parking spaces.

Both our B2B parking solution, DIVVY Enterprise, and our consumer parking product, DIVVY Marketplace, make better use of existing parking spaces through more efficient staff parking management and making parking spaces available for pre-booking. This means less traffic, fewer emissions, shorter travel times and less stress. By making existing parking spaces work harder, the need for new parking facilities is reduced, saving money and precious resources.

We’ve been working towards paperless parking since the beginning, and car parks using the DIVVY Enterprise and DIVVY Marketplace systems can be operated and managed entirely without paper. Our QR code-operated access control devices replace old-fashioned paper pull tickets, and with the DIVVY cloud portal housing our real-time data and reporting functions, there are no paper reports.

DIVVY’s Sammy access control device, used in all our parking solutions, uses fewer materials in its manufacture and less power in its operation than conventional parking pull-ticket and payment machines. It is energy efficient and uses no water or other materials in its operation, and both its tech and plastic components are recyclable.

The DIVVY IoT I/O Controller is a simple, cost-effective device that automates and controls parking gates as part of our parking solutions. Developed in-house at DIVVY, it’s the first of its kind in the world, and through its ability to convert a non-internet capable piece of hardware (such as a boom gate) into one that can be controlled remotely, it breathes new life into existing equipment, reducing waste and ensuring the conservation of energy and resources.

Want more?

The DIVVY team is always here to help. For more on the latest in the parking industry, contact Kat Fowler, DIVVY’s Head of Client Services, at


The latest from CEO Grant Fowler: March 2021

If 2020 was a bumpy road, 2021 is shaping up to be the highway leading towards better days. Here in Australia, we continue to handle the coronavirus threat remarkably well. Our vaccination campaign is underway, consumer confidence is bouncing back and economic predictions are looking good.

The pandemic hastened the uptake of experience-enhancing and margin-increasing property technology or proptech, among the Australian property industry. The Property Council of Australia surveyed 216 industry professionals in November and found that 55 per cent are enhancing their existing technology systems in response to COVID, and 27 percent are investing in new systems.

You can read more about DIVVY’s latest proptech products, Drive-Up and Check-In, in this update.

Drive Up with DIVVY

We’ve all had days where we’ve forgotten to pre-book our parking. That’s why we launched Drive Up casual parking. It’s everything our customers love about parking with DIVVY – cashless, ticketless, contactless and above all, easy – but without the need to book in advance.

We partnered with Enacon Parking to install Drive Up at their Bella Vista car park in December. It’s a busy open-air site next to Norwest Private Hospital and CircaRetail Shopping Centre.

We’ve had great success with two Drive Up products at the site, starting with Pay on Entry, where visitors are charged a set all-day rate as they enter the car park. Pay on Exit is now installed at the site, charging drivers at the car park exit a fee based on the duration of their stay.

DIVVY Drive Up replaces a pull-ticket and cash payment system at the Bella Vista site, and is already saving Enacon five hours of cash collection, ticket refill and maintenance labour per week, not to mention the cost of the paper tickets.

Drive Up is coming to more locations across Sydney soon, so keep your eye out for DIVVY Drive Up parking near you.

Parking is the hot ticket in 2021

Have you seen our fresh new website?

Many people have returned to workplaces after spending most of last year working from home, and lots of them are avoiding public transport and looking for parking instead.

Our new website was launched at just the right time in October last year. In the first two months of 2021, our website traffic and user sign ups have been at record levels, with site traffic up more than 100 per cent at the same time last year.

Check out the new staff parking case studies or technology page for yourself!

Check In with DIVVY

As Australia adjusts to the latest version of the new COVID normal, we’re evolving our proptech too. Our Queuing and Contact Tracing platform was designed to last year to help businesses (including Woolworths) communicate to customers their busiest periods and days and in-store wait times.

Now we’re developing Check In, a visitor management solution using DIVVY QR code technology to check visitors or staff into a business’s premises. Check In can be used for contact tracing purposes, or to maintain a record of personnel on site at any given time, and is designed to meet the needs of the business now and into the future.

Get the most out of your staff parking

Find out how the TOGA Group reduced their overheads while supporting their staff through the pandemic with DIVVY Enterprise’s staff parking management system.

Contact Us

The DIVVY team is always here to help. For more information, please contact Kat Fowler, DIVVY’s Marketing and Communications Manager at  


Monthly parking – the best value for regular commuters

For the regular commuter, a monthly parking booking offers the ultimate in value and convenience. But make sure you get in quick – monthly parking is so simple, handy and affordable that spaces fill up fast. 

Best value 

Booking your parking ‘in bulk’ with a monthly booking means you secure a reduced rate. For full-time commuters, there is no better value than monthly parking.

So convenient 

A monthly parking commitment saves you the time and bother of finding and paying for a new parking space every day. If you have offsite meetings or appointments, with a monthly booking you can leave and return to your parking space throughout the day without penalty or hassle. And there’s no need to fiddle with payment machines; your monthly parking is prepaid and completely cashless.  

Nice and easy  

When you’re booking your monthly parking on the DIVVY app or website, be sure to search at least three days in advance to ensure that all available parking is displayed in the results. Once you’ve made your booking, you can cross parking off your to-do list for weeks.

DIVVYs Monthly parking options 

DIVVY offers affordable and handy monthly parking options in sought-after central locations.  

Monthly parking can be booked with DIVVY at more than 15 car parks across Sydney city, from Circular Quay to Surry HillsBarangaroo to Darling Harbour. There are also centrally-located monthly parking choices in Parramatta and Melbourne city.  

Because it offers such good value and is so convenient, monthly parking is popular. Make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. 

List your unused parking spaces with DIVVY 

Your business could be generating revenue from unused parking spaces by listing them with DIVVY Marketplace booking platform.  

DIVVY Marketplace connects drivers with convenient parking spaces and converts underutilised parking spaces into revenue for businesses. With a database of 80,000 parking customers, DIVVY reaches a lot of Australian drivers looking for a parking space.  

DIVVY Marketplace parkers and businesses have access to dedicated customer support staff via phone, live chat or email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They can solve problems on the ground with their ability to operate boom gates and roller doors remotely.  

Monthly parking is very popular with DIVVY customers. If you have a parking space sitting idle, maximise that asset and list it with DIVVY Marketplace. 

To find out more about listing your parking spaces with DIVVY, contact  


Daily parking – the best choice for longer stays

Going somewhere for more than a few hours? Daily parking is your best bet.

More adaptable than monthly parking and offering better value than hourly parking, daily parking offers a great mix of flexibility, convenience and affordability.  

Good value

If you’re planning on staying a while, daily parking is the most cost-effective parking choice. For stays longer than a few hours, daily rates represent better value than hourly rates. Evening, weekend and motorbike daily rates are even more affordable. If you’re a part-time commuter only parking a few days a week, daily parking will cost you less than monthly parking.

Saves time

Pre-booking your daily parking with DIVVY is a time saver. Not only do you save time spent looking for somewhere to park, but because you’ve pre-paid you don’t need to waste any time at the payment machine when it’s time to leave either. Booking via the DIVVY app or website is quick and simple.

Contactless parking

Avoid ticket machines and cash payments when you book your daily parking with DIVVY. DIVVY’s QR code technology means entering and exiting the car park is contactless, and because your parking is pre-paid, it’s cashless too.

Peace of mind

You can relax when you pre-book your daily parking with DIVVY. Rest easy knowing your car is parked in a monitored, secure and well-lit car park. For added convenience, your parking receipt is emailed to you, making it easy to find at tax time or to claim reimbursement from your employer.

DIVVY’s daily parking options in Sydney city, Parramatta and Melbourne

DIVVY offers drivers affordable and convenient daily parking in sought-after locations like Parramatta, Surry Hills, Barangaroo, Darling Harbour, Sydney city and Melbourne city.

Check out our website or the DIVVY app for daily parking near you.

The benefits of listing car parking spaces with DIVVY

In cities across Australia, DIVVY Marketplace connects drivers with underutilised or empty car spaces. If your business has car spaces that are sitting empty, you could be generating revenue by listing parking spaces on DIVVY Marketplace to be booked by the public.

The system is completely flexible, allowing businesses to set the parameters around which spaces are available for booking, and when. Businesses can even decide to whom the spaces are made available for booking.

DIVVY marketing reaches a database of 80,000 parking customers looking for a car space. DIVVY Marketplace is supported by a dedicated customer support team on hand for parkers and businesses 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year via phone, live chat or email. With their ability to operate boom gates and roller doors remotely, they can solve problems on the ground.

To find out more about listing your parking spaces with DIVVY, contact


Hourly car parking – affordable, convenient and easy

In a city like Sydney, the easiest way to get around is often in your own car. But where to park? Find out how DIVVY’s hourly parking makes parking in Sydney so simple.

It’s affordable

Some car parking operators charge a premium for hourly parking, especially in areas of high demand like the Sydney CBD. DIVVY is different. Our weekday Sydney city parking starts from $5 an hour, and weekend and evening rates are even lower. It’s almost certainly cheaper than a taxi or a ride share, and you might even find that DIVVY’s hourly parking is cheaper than taking public transport.

It’s quick

Pre-book your hourly parking on the DIVVY app or website before you leave home, and you’re good to go. No more time wasted driving the streets looking for a park. The booking process itself is super quick and easy too.

It’s convenient

Use the DIVVY website or app to book a park where you need it, when you need it. It’s that simple. Only book the amount of time you need – no need to pay for a whole day if you’re only staying an hour. Your receipt is automatically emailed to you, giving you an easy-to-find record of your parking if you want to claim reimbursement from your employer or for use at tax time.

It’s secure

DIVVY car parks are well-lit, monitored and secure. No more worrying about your car left parked on the street, or fumbling for your keys in the dark.

It’s contactless

When you pre-book your hourly parking with DIVVY, you’re securing yourself a cashless, contactless parking space. DIVVY’s unique QR code technology means no ticket machines.

Why list car parking spaces with DIVVY?

Maybe your business has more car spaces on its lease than it needs, or perhaps your car spaces are going temporarily unused whilst your employees work remotely. Businesses can list their unused parking spaces on DIVVY Marketplace for booking by the public. Every parking space booked returns revenue to your business.

DIVVY markets to a database of 80,000 parking customers, saving businesses from having to invest in marketing of their own to fill parking spaces. Businesses have the option to exercise discretion around who can access listed spaces, thereby eliminating any security concerns. Support is available to all parkers and businesses 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year via phone, live chat and email, and DIVVY customer support staff can solve problems on the ground with their ability to operate boom gates and roller doors.

To find out more about listing your parking spaces with DIVVY, contact


Case Study: DIVVY and Enacon Parking

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Since 2016 DIVVY has partnered with Enacon Parking to manage all pre-booked parking across their portfolio of diverse Sydney carparks. Today, DIVVY handles on average 1,851 parking transactions for Enacon every month.

Enacon Parking is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mulpha Australia, one of Australia’s most experienced real estate investors. In operation since 1979, Enacon is responsible for developing and operating Mulpha Australia’s parking facilities.

DIVVY pre-book parking is in operation at Enacon’s multistorey carpark at 2 Cathedral Street, Sydney, their hospital-adjacent open air carpark in Bella Vista, their valet parking at the Intercontinental Hotel Sydney and their hotel carpark at the Novotel Darling Harbour. Each one of these sites offers a completely different parking experience, but DIVVY pre-book parking works successfully across them all.

DIVVY pre-book parking system or access control device

The DIVVY pre-book parking system allows parkers to select from hourly, daily or monthly parking options via the DIVVY app or website. The system manages payment and parkers then receive a QR code to their phone. The QR code is read by DIVVY’s market-leading access controllers at the carpark’s entrance and exit to allow access and egress.

DIVVY’s pre-book parking system has come into its own during the COVID pandemic. The cashless, contactless system offers peace of mind for drivers still moving around their communities but wanting to limit their risk. Commuters can avoid public transport with a pre-booked DIVVY car park that doesn’t require them to handle cash, pull parking tickets, use payment machines or touch any shared surfaces at all.

Matt Ormiston, General Manager of Enacon Parking, says,

“Since 2016, Enacon has depended on DIVVY to provide and manage a complete end-to-end pre-book car parking service across our Sydney carparks.

We know we can rely on DIVVY to market our carparks effectively, manage all pre-book customer transactions, and remit payments to us every month.

Their 24/7 customer care team handle any issues that arise, and all system and access controller maintenance is taken care of. The real time data and reporting that the DIVVY system generates provides invaluable insights into carpark usage. Enacon is happy to recommend DIVVY to other businesses looking to improve their parking systems.”

For more information, please contact our team at


Queuing & Contact Tracing Platform

DIVVY’s new Queuing and Contact Tracing Platform helps any business that is visited by the public to navigate venue capacity, social distancing and record keeping regulations with ease. It gives customers the peace of mind and confidence to visit shops, pubs, restaurants, galleries, gyms, hairdressers – any business, large or small, with publicly accessible premises.   

Businesses with premises visited by the public face unique challenges under COVID-19. Governments have introduced capacity limits to ensure social distancing can be maintained. Businesses are required to keep records and contact information for all visitors.

Not only are there government-mandated obligations to adhere to, but businesses also need to consider their customers’ mindset. Customers and patrons need to be assured that their visit will be safe, and that the business has taken all possible precautions, or they simply won’t come. 

At DIVVY, we optimise bookable assets through smarter technology. After witnessing the challenge faced by publicly accessible businesses during COVID, we turned our efforts to developing our Queuing and Contact Tracing Platform.

Our Queuing and Contact Tracing Platform enables any shop, venue, or premises open to the public to communicate with its customers when its peak periods are, which are its busiest and quietest days, and, in the event of queuing, the wait time to enter the venue.

By helping customers plan their visit before they leave home, our Platform makes it easy for them to avoid busy periods, save time, and visit with peace of mind. To find out how DIVVY is helping Australian supermarket giant Woolworths take care of their customers with their Q-Tracker tool, click here.

Our Platform also has pre-book capabilities, giving customers the opportunity to book their visit in advance to avoid queuing. By allowing businesses to control the time, duration and number of customers accessing their premises, and even manage separate areas within the venue, it helps businesses to adhere to venue capacity limits and maintain social distancing within the premises. Visitor record keeping has been mandated by many Australian state and territory governments.

Our Queuing and Contact Tracing Platform allows businesses to capture visitor information quickly and easily, including contact details and day and time of visit.

Our Platform makes it possible to track interactions and crossovers between visitors and employees, helping with contact tracing should it be required.

Some businesses require visitors to complete health attestation questionnaires, declaring any symptoms before entering the premises, and our Platform can manage this too. Using our Platform, it’s quick and simple to conduct these questionnaires, collect the required information and store visitors’ responses.

Effortlessly fulfill your COVID Safe obligations, give yourself peace of mind, and your customers the confidence to visit your business with DIVVY’s Queuing and Contact Tracing Platform.

For more information, please contact our team at


DIVVY supports Woolworths with the development of Q-tracker

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As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, the Australian tech company DIVVY supported Woolworths in building an online booking system -Q-tracker that allows shoppers to assess crowd capacity before making their way to their local store. The customer tool is in addition to the existing measures Woolworths has put in place for COVID-19.

This new technology will monitor queue lengths outside shops with restricted customer numbers – and will help shoppers pick a less busy period when there is no waiting time. The Q-tracker makes use of real-time data to show customers whether stores have had to implement a queue at the entry to support social distancing and any wait time associated with it.

DIVVY’s Chief Information Officer, Anton Mills said:

“This technology was built with the ability to translate to other industries who are also facing similar challenges. It has been built to be agnostic to the industry and can be rapidly integrated with organisations to assist them to adapt to queuing and distancing measures throughout COVID-19.

I’m proud of the team for turning this around in one week, to ensure our client Woolworths Supermarkets could roll this tool out across its four stores in Victoria.”

Currently, this new online booking technology is being trialled at four Woolworths stores in Victoria including Taylors Lakes, Hampton Park, South Melbourne, and St Helena. With this system, customers can book a time to do their shopping without the need to stand in a queue if one exists and be able to safely practice social distancing.

Woolworth store

How does it work?

  1. Head to and simply search for their preferred store by postcode or suburb.
  2. Use the key, to view the estimated queue wait time to enter the Woolworths stores closest to you.
  3. Based on the entered location, it will show the closest stores and also highlight it on the map.
  4. To help you plan when to shop, click the store card which will expand to show when to enter the store and when it is busiest during the week.
  5. The tool updates every 5 mins so you’ll have the latest information whether you’re about to leave home or on your way.

This technology – Q Tracker, can be integrated with other businesses & organisations to assist them to adapt to queuing and distancing measures related to COVID-19.

Woolworths Director of Stores, Robert Moffat said:

“Keeping our customers and teams safe continues to be our top priority at Woolworths.Q-Tracker is a new customer tool across all Woolworths Supermarkets. By helping customers plan when and where they shop before they leave home, Q-Tracker makes it easier to avoid busy periods, save time, and shop with health and safety in mind. Even though most of our stores do not need to implement queuing at the moment, this tool has been developed as another measure to support the safety of our team and customers.”

If your business is facing similar challenges, why not reach out and see how DIVVY might be able to assist –

Press Release

DIVVY supports Woolworths in helping keep Aussies safe during COVID-19 with the development of Q-tracker

Australian tech company DIVVY has supported Woolworths in the build of an online booking system called Q-tracker that allows shoppers to assess crowd capacity before making their way to their local store.

As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold, the Q-tracker has been developed using real-time data to show customers whether stores have had to implement a queue at the entry to support social distancing and any wait time associated with it. The customer tool is in addition to the existing measures Woolworths has put in place.

Woolworths customers can head to and simply search for their preferred store by postcode or suburb and it will show you the estimated queue wait time to enter the Woolworths stores closest to you.

Woolworths is also currently trialing a booking functionality designed and developed by DIVVY within the Q-Tracker tool at its four stores in Taylors Lakes, Hampton Park, South Melbourne and St Helena in Victoria.

Customers in these four stores will be able to book a time to do their shop which means they will be able to head straight into the store without needing to stand in a queue if one exists and be able to safely practise social distancing.

DIVVY’s Chief Information Officer, Anton Mills said:

“We are pleased to work in partnership with Woolworths’ for the development of the Q-Tracker tool.

“This technology was built with the ability to translate to other industries who are also facing similar challenges.

“It has been built to be agnostic to the industry and can be rapidly integrated with organisations to assist them to adapt to queuing and distancing measures throughout COVID-19.”

Woolworths Director of Stores, Robert Moffat said:

“Keeping our customers and teams safe continues to be our top priority at Woolworths.

“Q-Tracker is a new customer tool across all Woolworths Supermarkets. By helping customers plan when and where they shop before they leave home, Q-Tracker makes it easier to avoid busy periods, save time and shop with health and safety in mind.

“Even though most of our stores do not need to implement queuing at the moment, this tool has been developed as another measure to support the safety of our team and customers.”

For further information, please contact Kat Fowler, DIVVY’s Marketing and Communications Manager on 0433 669 901 or at


DIVVY is one of the fastest-growing parking software-hardware companies in Australia whose application of marketing leading technology enables a better customer experience through all bookable assets.

DIVVY’s access technologies are tested in the field every month across 30,000 bookings and processing in excess of 45,000 transactions per month across more than 75 buildings and several open-air facilities.